What We Do

Dalpos architects provides professional services for a diversity of building projects throughout the United States. Every project begins as a possibility-whether it be a problem to be solved or an opportunity to improve. The Dalpos team brings extensive experience, award winning creativity and commitment to the clients and communities we serve to deliver solutions that transform, energize and inspire.

Every project begins as a possibility-whether it be a problem to be solved or an opportunity to improve.

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Throughout the past 50 years, the Dalpos team has had the privilege of being the architect for thousands of projects across the US encompassing many types,sizes and levels of complexity. We have completed everything from modest remodels to multi-parcel urban planning and re-design.



We are committed to deliver to our clients the sensation and immersive experience starting early in the design process to allow them to completely visualize and understand the space that we are creating for them.


Schematic Image

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BIM: 3D, 4D, 5D

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Leveraging the data

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"Don't work for recognition, but do work worthy of recognition."
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

AIA New York State, Honor Award, 2024

Mary C. Winder Community & Cultural Center

Onieda, New York

AIA CNY Citation for Design, 2022

The Lake House

Sylvan Beach, New York

Dalpos Project Awarded LEED® Platinum Certification

New York Residence

New York

Who We Are

Dalpos is a full service design firm with a unique understanding of technology and how to leverage it to deliver the greatest value and insight to all our clients and partners. Our experience working in some of the most demanding markets in the industry led us to craft a 21st Century integrated approach to Architecture and Project Management enabled by technology.

"The renovation phases were particularly difficult with hazmat abatement considerations and working around patients. Dalpos remained committed throughout the project and provided outstanding integration, communication, and results."

Donald McLaughlin, P.E., Former SVP of Facilities and Support Services Ellis Medicine